News » Environmental Health Officer
HH Solutions Response Plan Products
HH Solutions is a leader in the Compliance Instruments market in Ireland since 2008, and our Sales Team have a vast knowledge of industry specifications and product applications across all sectors. In these strange times HH Solutions has again sourced the best quality products from around the world to aid Compliance with the Social Distancing Requirements in Public Spaces like Shops, Restaurant...
HH Solutions are the Go To Supplier of Compliance Instruments.
HH Solutions has been working with Compliance Instruments since 2008 our Sales Team have a vast knowledge of industry specifications. HH Solutions specialise in providing the best equipment for your specific needs from our range of professional instruments which carry a minimum of 12 months warranty. You can be sure the instrument supplied will be suitable for your needs, with operating ranges ...
Another Happy Customer using Matman Check 5 HACCP Management System
I can't remember how I came across this Matman Check 5 HACCP Management System but it must have been 5 or 6 years ago. I was dealing with endless paperwork, hassle getting staff to fill out fridge temperature recording charts, cooking temperatures, product checks & cleaning procedures, it was leading to about 6 or 7 clipboards in the kitchen, not to mention the endless boxes of records that...