Dealing with Social Distancing Measures in Retail Outlets & Supermarkets

Most retailers have employed staff or re-allocated staff from the existing work force to manage the queues and demand outside their stores. While this is absolutely necessary to comply with current guidelines regarding social distancing and managing the spread of Covid-19, it has put a strain on staff allocation and created an unexpected expense for retailers.

Supermarket retailers are now looking for greater operational efficiencies whilst giving their customers the best possible experience while ensuring employee and customer safety. One consideration is automating occupancy monitoring and implementing intelligent queue management systems.

HH Solutions can provide the SafeCount Queue Management System from IRISYS.

See how the system works in the Video below.


Get a Quotation on SafeCount System for your

IRISYS Queue Management Systems have been available to the industry for many years to help with:

  • Automating the capture of accurate queuing data;
  • Calculating real-time average queue lengths, average wait times, cashier idle times and overall transaction service times;
  • Monitoring and predicting queues;
  • Predicting optimum number of checkouts needed in 15 and 30 minutes to maintain desired service level;
  • Dashboard reporting;
  • Comparing performance figures across stores, regions and even worldwide.

These systems were initially used for internal audits which helped to improve customer experience and reduce staffing costs during quieter periods. All Customer Management Systems had a single purpose - to increase customer loyalty and increase basket size. Among the early clients for IRISYS in the UK were Tesco.


Many of these systems do not operate outside the store as Supermarkets were not concerned with managing queues outside their premises. However, that has all changed. Occupancy Limits and Social Distancing have become a requirement and very much a part of the new normal for life during Covid-19 and beyond.

SafeCount Live Occupancy Monitoring Solution

IRISYS have adopted their Vector 4 Systems to create SafeCount Live Occupancy Monitoring Solution. Designed for accuracy and fast implementation.  SafeCount system helps businesses comply with social distancing guidelines and occupancy restrictions by anonymously counting people as they enter and exit your building.

Check out the video below for more information:

A SafeCount system ensures that customers, visitors and employees have the space they need and are kept as safe as possible.

Suitable for buildings of all sizes, a SafeCount solution delivers live occupancy data with visual warnings and alerts when limits are approached or exceeded. As a standalone solution, SafeCount works independently of existing IT networks and is designed for simple setup and fast installation.

Key features of SafeCount Occupancy Monitoring:

  • Live, highly accurate, occupancy data from over 20 years experience.
  • Visual warnings and alerts - with customisable occupancy limits;
  • Fast and easy, self-install solution;
  • Buildings of all sizes - with single, multiple or wide entrances/exits;
  • Staff exclusion option;
  • Easily integrated with Visual Displays (Screens, Tablets & Stop Go Indicators).

Occupancy monitoring, social distancing and queue management systems are now an essential part of society and will continue to be for a long time to come.    If you are looking for more information on how a SafeCount system could greatly improve the efficiencies of your business, get in touch with us directly or click here for more information: Read More here...


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