Monitoring the Temperature of Vaccine is Essential

Using Data Loggers to Monitor Vaccine in Distribution Centers and Vaccination Centers is a must.
COVID 19 Vaccination viability is dependent on maintaining specific temperatures which vary from vaccine to vaccine ranging from -80°C to 8°C. Monitoring and maintaining temperature is therefore essential during transportation and distribution right up to the time of inoculation in Vaccination Centers.
This brings its own set of logistical problems to ensuring successful mass inoculation.
Many companies have developed over time tried and tested temperature data logging solutions, these solutions are optimised for this purpose. Temperature Data Loggers are Essential for Cold Chain Vaccine Storage as they provide a simple method of measuring and recording temperatures. The easy to access data means medical professionals can ensure vaccines are kept at optimal temperatures throughout the cold chain journey ensuring that degradation caused by high temperatures has not occurred.
More importantly, healthcare workers will be able to spot any potential rises in temperature early allowing them to take immediate corrective actions. This will help prevent damage to vaccines, ensuring that vaccine doses are not wasted allowing mass inoculation to be carried out as effectively and reliably as possible.
HH Solutions as Irish Distributors for Comark Instruments and Onset are among the largest stockists of Data Loggers to suit these requirements. We can provide options from Standalone to Bluetooth & Wireless Data Loggers designed for Accuracy across a wide range of Temperatures. All Temperature Data loggers are easy to install, ergonomic and can be supplied with Calibration at the Temperature Levels of operation.
Standalone Data Loggers are the simplest method and have been used for many years in cold chain operations. These Temperature Data Loggers require the user to download the information to PC on a regular basis.
The Comark N2014 Multi-Sensor Temperature Data Logger with its LCD display screen allows instant checks of current readings and alarms. The N2014 is designed for use in food, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. It is ideal for maintaining optimal food, pharmaceutical and vaccine storage temperatures using a range of sensors. Temperature Monitoring ranges from -200°C to +1372°C dependant on the type of probe used.
See more on the Comark N2014 Multi-Sensor Temperature Data Logger here
The Comark N2012 Multi Point Temperature Data Logger with its LCD display screen allows instant checks of current readings and alarms. The N2012 can have up to five temperature sensors. Suitable for monitoring multiple points in fridges, freezers, or other temperature sensitive areas. Temperature Monitoring ranges from -40°C to +150°C.
See more on the Comark N2012 Multi-Point Temperature Data Logger here
Bluetooth Data Loggers from Onset provide for a more easily managed system using technology to upload all the data to the cloud via a mobile device Phone or Tablet in individual cases or with the
The InTemp ® CX Series of pharmaceutical data loggers from Onset monitor temperatures in refrigerators, freezers and other temperature-controlled environments. The loggers communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth Low Energy to mobile devices.
Using the Free InTemp app, you can easily view data, check logger status, set alarms, and create and share secure PDF reports for streamlined reporting and regulatory compliance. All loggers feature a built-in LCD display to view current and daily min and max temperatures, advanced audible and visual alarm capabilities for notification of temperature excursions.
The CX Range includes many options;
InTemp ® CX402-xxM (with Probe Only) data loggers monitor temperatures in refrigerators, freezers and other temperature-controlled environments to comply with global GDP requirements. The loggers communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth Low Energy to mobile devices. There are two Models of CX402 are available with a 2- or 4-meter external temperature probe. Temperature Monitoring ranges from -40 to 100°C.
See more on the InTemp ® CX402-xxM Bluetooth Data Logger here
InTemp ® CX402-TXXX (with Glycol Bottle) data loggers monitor temperatures in refrigerators, freezers and other temperature-controlled environments to comply with global GDP requirements. The loggers communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth Low Energy to mobile devices. There are two Models of CX402 are available with a 2- or 4-meter external temperature probe along with 3 varying Glycol Bottle sizes. Temperature Monitoring ranges from -40 to 100°C.
See more on the InTemp ® CX402-TXXX Bluetooth Data Logger here
InTemp ® CX500 Series include a 90 Day Single Use along with a 365 Day Multi Use Temperature Data Logger. Designed for Cold Chain, CRT, and Frozen shipments, the CX503 is ideal for closed-loop monitoring applications, as well as qualification testing and equipment validation. Temperature Monitoring ranges from -30 to 70°C.
See more on the InTemp ® CX502 Bluetooth Data Logger here
See more on the InTemp ® CX503 Bluetooth Data Logger here
InTemp ® CX600 Series is designed for use with Dry Ice and includes a 90 Day Single Use along with a 365 Day Multi Use Temperature Data Logger. The CX600 Series comes with a built-in 1.5m probe measures temperatures as low as -95°C (-139°F) and includes a protective sheath to prevent accidental cutting of the cable. Supplied with a three-point ISO/IEC 17025 NIST 'UKAS' Certificate of Calibration, valid for one year from date of purchase.
See more on the InTemp ® CX602 Bluetooth Data Logger here
See more on the InTemp ® CX603 Bluetooth Data Logger here
You can view the Full Range of InTemp CX Pharmaceutical Data Loggers here
With the optional CX 5000 Gateway you can automate Data Downloads.
The CX Gateway links your InTemp data loggers seamlessly to the free InTempConnect cloud-based data platform to provide real-time alert notifications for InTemp loggers automatically.
Just place the Gateway within a 100-foot range of one or more loggers and connect it to your local Wi-Fi or Ethernet. If an excursion occurs, alerts can be sent from InTempConnect via email and text message to a user-defined group of administrators.
- Notifies you of temperature excursions anywhere, anytime
- Reduces the risk of loss
- Reduces the amount of time spent on data logger download and compliance
- Automates data downloads from InTemp CX400, 500, 600 and 700 Series loggers.
Learn more about the InTemp ® CX 5000 Gateway here
Wireless Data Loggers from Comark are in the Diligence Range, models measure the ambient temperature and can be programmed to log data to the user’s PC or to the Comark Cloud, providing unlimited data recording at a minimal cost for Data Storage.
Data may be viewed, analysed and exported into a graph, providing a comprehensive history of the fridge’s, freezer’s or transport box’s temperature history.
The logging rate can be configured as necessary or as specified.
The Diligence Wifi Range provide 2 options suitable for use in the Monitoring of Vaccines.
RF314-TC Diligence WiFi Temperature Data Logger with a single Thermocouple Probe. The RF314-TC is a low powered battery device with a rechargeable battery life of 3 months to one year, depending on transmission rate. The battery can be recharged via a PC or by mains power using the RF320/UK Power Supply unit, which is available as an accessory. Temperature Monitoring ranges from -270°C to 1300°C.
The RF314-Dual Diligence WiFi Dual Channel Data Logger with two removable Thermocouple probes which can measure two Air or Product Temperatures with a single logger. Data is transmitted wirelessly via your WiFi network to the Comark Cloud.
The RF314 data loggers are supplied with thermocouple probes and can be used with a range of probes from Comark Instruments.
See more on the RF314-TC Diligence WiFi Data Logger here
See more on the RF314-Dual Diligence WiFi Data Logger here
The Comark Cloud is used to monitor and report on your devices, either at a single location, or at multiple sites around the world. No more missed records, no more time-consuming paperwork! You can access your Comark Cloud Account or Comark Cloud APP from wherever you are in the world using any internet enabled device, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Comark Cloud Dashboard is your new online Home for your Loggers and provides easy access to the critical information regards your system, including; the status of your favorite devices at a glance, review recent device events, view data and clear alerts, quickly navigate to the detail on all your devices.
Data from the RF300 Series Diligence WiFi Data Loggers is streamed wirelessly to either the Comark Cloud or a local PC. If the data logger temporarily loses connectivity with the network, it will log readings until the connection is re-established (max 30 days at 10 second sample interval).
See more on the Comark Cloud Setup here
HH Solutions are Irelands leading stockist of Compliance Instruments for all sectors including Food, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Engineering, Environmental & Industrial.
HH Solutions has been trading since 2009, our ever growing customer base has relied on our Sales Team with over 10 years experience to advise and recommend instruments to best suit the customer requirements and application.
As the only Authorised Irish Distributor for International Manufacturers including Eltex of Sweden, Comark Instruments & Onset, along with many others, HH Solutions have complete access to manufacturer training and knowledge of product software, specifications and accessories.
We pride ourselves on being stockists of highest quality precision instruments available for our clients. In our 10 Years we have seen some revolutionary instruments being developed for all sectors.
Please feel free to contact us with any query you may have regarding your companies application or any product you may require.
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